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Filling the Stadium

Full Stadium

This last week a great man of God Billy Graham passed away. I was watching a television special about him and I noticed throughout his ministry that large crowds came to these crusades to hear about Jesus. They came out in all types of weather. whether it was rainy, cold or sunshine. His events were held indoors, in stadiums or tents and sometimes lasted up to a month.

The question came to my mind, "how many would attend this type of gathering today? I am afraid not many would. It’s interesting that we will go to a sporting event in all types of weather, but the threat of rain keeps us from going to church.

One must wonder why we are no longer excited about the Lord. One of the reasons is there are so many other things we can do. Ball games, skiing, fishing, movies and many other hobbies that are more important to us. Jesus talked about this in the parable of the seed. Mark 4:19 "but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the word, making it unfruitful.” Another way to put it: “things” choke out Jesus. Doesn’t this describe the condition of many Christians today?

I ask this question: would you go to a church gathering in the freezing cold or in the rain? Would you go to church service and stand in line 3 hours early just to get a seat?

Billy Graham surrendered a big part of his life to see the lost come to Christ. When he answered the call to preach he gave it his all. He was totally committed to Christ and as a result, thousands came to know Jesus.

Yes, many came to Christ through Billy Graham's ministry, but there are millions out there who have yet to find the Lord and we need to do all that we can to help lead them to Christ. I leave you with these questions, what commitment are you willing to make to see others come to Christ? What are you willing to give up? What will you surrender? leave you with these questions, what commitment are you willing to make to see others come to Christ? What are you willing to give up? What will you surrender?

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