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How big is your faith?

Leap of Faith

Many Christians walk in limited faith. It is easy to have faith when it concerns the little things, the things that we can see what the end result will be, the things we can control. But when it comes to trusting Him for the big things, the things we cannot see what the end result will be, the things we can’t control, the things only God can do, our faith is weak.

What is faith?

Hebrews 11:1 "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. "

Faith is: the confident assurance that what God says is going to happen, will happen. Believing everything God said He would do is going to happen. Faith is stepping out on nothing and finding something there.

The Bible is full of stories where God asked individuals to step out and do something. He told Moses to stretch out his hands over the Red Sea and the sea would open. Noah was told to build a huge boat to rescue his family from the coming flood. As these men obeyed God, He did what He said He would do. The Bible proves time and time without fail that God keeps His Word.

I believe God is asking many people to step out in faith to move His kingdom forward. He is asking normal everyday people to do great things for Him. Will you rise up and say, Lord, I’m available? I want to assure you as you say yes, here I am, you can step out and do it even though you are stepping into the unknown.

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