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Jesus is Amazing! Part 2

This week we have the second part of our blog from Isaiah 9:6. This scripture says, “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

#4 Everlasting Father! Look at what Revelation 1:8 says: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End," says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." The word everlasting comes from the Hebrew word “ad” and it means forever, never-ending, eternally. Everything on this earth is temporary. Things are always changing. Jesus, however, is unchanging and eternal. Hebrews 13:8 tell us, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I want to assure you Jesus is the sure thing. Jesus is, steady, unchanging, He is totally dependable, if says He it will happen, it will happen, He keeps His promises. Jesus is everlasting and unchanging.

#5 Prince of Peace! The word prince comes from the Hebrew word “sar” meaning a head person of any rank or class, chief, general, governor, lord, master, prince, ruler. The word peace comes from the Hebrew word “shalowm” meaning health, prosperity, peace, favor. So, Jesus is the Prince, ruler, the general who gives health, prosperity, peace, and favor. Everyone longs for peace. We live in a world of turmoil. Because of this, we are sometimes unsure not knowing what to expect. But having Jesus in charge of peace we can have a peace and calmness during the troubled times of our life. The peace that Jesus gives us is a deep and lasting peace. Unlike worldly peace, which is usually defined as the absence of conflict, this peace is the confident assurance in any circumstance; with Christ’s peace, we have no need to fear the present or the future.

#6 Savior! The last word that I want to talk about is the word Savior. What does Savior mean? The word Savior means to save or to deliver. What does He save and deliver us from? He delivers us from sin. When we live in sin, we are slaves of the devil and enemies of God. But by putting our faith in Jesus’ blood we can be reconciled to God. It’s through the forgiveness of our sins that we are delivered. Have you met Jesus the Savior? Merry Christmas!

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